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匿名  发表于 2018-7-8 10:24:22 | 来自俄罗斯
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匿名  发表于 2018-7-8 10:24:23 | 来自俄罗斯
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匿名  发表于 2018-7-8 10:24:25 | 来自俄罗斯
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匿名  发表于 2018-7-8 10:24:25 | 来自俄罗斯
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匿名  发表于 2018-7-8 10:24:25 | 来自俄罗斯
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匿名  发表于 2018-7-8 10:24:27 | 来自俄罗斯
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匿名  发表于 2018-7-8 10:24:27 | 来自俄罗斯
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How do I get an outside line? medhr.pl  Following the game, Hoyer left the stadium on crutches with his knee immobilized. Browns coach Rob Chudzinski said Hoyer has a sprained knee and will undergo an MRI on Friday. But the tone of Hoyer’s teammates seemed to indicate that the 27-year-old, who was finally getting a chance to start in his fifth NFL season, might be sidelined for an extended period.
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